Sunday, July 6, 2008

Being special

What makes anyone special?

Really... what makes us special?

"Lasa, are balta pesti/amfiebieni (dupa gust)".

Intr-un anumit moment ne este imposibil sa ne imaginam viata fara o anumita persoana in ea amic/iubit etc etc.

In timp, totusi, ne obisnuim si suntem in stare sa existam si fara ei.

Ce ne face sa fim atat de speciali?

The looks? yeah right... there will always exist better looking people than us.

The wackiness of our clothes and the way we choose to match them ? Oh yeah... totally, we will find an even wackier person at exactly 500m away.

Our moral values ? Well, we all have flaws... oh honey, and plenty.

What makes us special? Really... what ?

I am aware of the fact that bla bla we're all unique but in the same time so much alike.

I'm fed up with all this "oh look at me i'm perfect" attitude .

YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL. Look in the mirror, then look through the window.

Cate castocare ca tine n-ai sa vezi pisi. Oh tu, bunule, you heartbreaker, you're not the only person with a pretty face on this planet.

Da, stiu ca exista persoane deosebite, extraordinare, fabuloase. Dar... putem sa traim si fara ele si e chiar usor. We just need to stop being so selfish and stop clinging to someone.

Am scris post-ul acesta pentru ca m-am saturat de atitudinea unor oameni care nu vad cat de banali sunt.

P.S.: N-am gasit nimic iesit din comun la mine... si inca exist fericita.


Mihai Krieger said...

Schönheit liegt in den Augen des Anschauers... und du bist schön genung :*

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